60 Plus Fitness! Workout Program Summary | Old Guy Weekly Fitness Summary

Exercise: Is It Really Less Important Than Diet for Weight Loss?

I have been hearing for some time now that when it comes to weight loss, exercise is not king. Diet is paramount. I mean, the NY Times said it, so it must be true.

Exercises and Workouts – Is Walking the Best Exercise For You?

Think for a while about what you enjoy and don’t enjoy where exercise is concerned. You likely have a long list of things you ought to do or want to achieve. Most of us do. Is walking on that list? Perhaps exercise is, but you might have overlooked walking as a useful option. Think about it; walking is easy to integrate into your workday. You could take the stairs instead of riding the elevator, or exit the bus a few blocks away so you can walk to and from your work. Many people are quick to dismiss it as a productive form of physical activity. Walking is a great place to begin.

A Century

As many of you know that know me, I have struggled with 100 mile rides, my first two 100 mile rides being last year in 2017. My first attempt was in February of 2017, I started off with a little bit of a stomach ache, and was way overdressed and overheated quickly. I found that I was not consuming enough of anything and started to really feel the pain.

Exercises and Workouts – Three Lateral Raise Variations To Try

When it comes to building great looking shoulders, one of the most important things to do is include lateral raises in your workout. These particular raises will help you develop your shoulder caps – the outer head of the shoulders that rounds out the muscle and makes you look stronger and fitter. When most people think lateral raises, they immediately tend to think about lifting dumbbells. While this is one method, it is not the only method.

Remember to Have Fun

Whenever you are on the bike, remember to keep it fun, especially if you are a competitive athlete! Riding along the flooded Grand River the other day was more fun than expected! When the water is in areas that are normally dry, it brings the wildlife closer for viewing, and I ended up seeing some animals that I normally wouldn’t, I wish I would have strapped on my good camera like fellow photographer does!

Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise – Intensifying Your Workouts

If you wish to enjoy the known benefits of exercise including better blood sugar control and the loss of weight, what you are aiming for is a healthy level of fitness. The hardest part about physical activity is maintaining consistency. It is easy to get yourself to workout now and then but keeping up a routine is a noticeable step up in difficulty. If you have done well in this regard, give yourself some credit. What you have achieved is not an easy feat. Now you are active; you may be wondering about the next step. It is likely time to intensify your workouts. Are you ready for this challenge?

Exercises and Workouts – Are You Looking To Make The Jump To A Higher Power Training Program?

One of the more popular workout programs you might want to consider adding to your workout routine is the push/pull/legs workout. This particular one is great because it allows you to divide the upper body, so you get to work each muscle group with a higher volume. Doing so will help you to see superior results. Once you are beyond the beginner stage, it can be trying to get enough total work for each muscle group by doing an upper/lower split, so this is the next route to go. Curious how this ends up looking?

Healthy Living – How Exercise Works to Improve Your Health

Exercise is a topic that has been beaten to death. But it is also a very general subject, so it is easy to see it being pulled apart and taken in wild directions without delivering a useful message. You already know it is right for you and you should likely be more active than you currently are but we won’t go there. What you may benefit from though is a general overview of how exercise works.

What Rep Range Is Best For Me?

It can be confusing to determine what rep range is best for your exercise program. This article simplifies it for you!

Exercises and Workouts – Three Exercises to Take Your Workout To The Next Level

Looking to take your workouts to the next level? If so, you need to try kettlebell training. This hot new form of training can be even more intense than regular dumbbell or barbell work and is a lot of fun as well. More and more people are falling in love with it. Three exercises stand above the rest. Let us look at what these are and why you should do them.

Kettlebell Tempo Training

When it comes to building muscle mass, kettlebell training is a versatile and way to achieve your goals. Although kettlebell workouts are commonly used for increasing cardiovascular endurance, kettlebells can easily be utilized for more mass-oriented training regimens. The most effective of these methods is achieved by switching up the tempo of your workout.

Exercises and Workouts – Four Must Do’s To Prevent Knee Pain

If you are someone who is suffering from knee pain, you know just how devastating this can be. You can go from feeling great and doing your workouts as you wish, to becoming sidelined entirely. What is worse, much of knee pain is chronic. Once it occurs, it could be weeks, if not months, before you are finally starting to feel better again. The good news? There are steps you can take to prevent knee pain from occurring.

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